SynthLine vol.01 - Virus

SynthLine vol.01 - Virus
Best sounds from ACCESS VIRUS synthesizer.

000 VIRUS (3101) 001 Horex 002 Oxa
003 Superfly 004 Headbanger 005 Placid
006 Virumania 007 For Sign 008 Vipe
009 Fresh & Low 010 Orbit Bass 011 Heavy Kick
012 Cosmic 013 Super Saw 014 Zenithzone
015 In The Mix 016 Dance String 017 Don`t Hold
018 Blue Sun 019 Atomic 020 Avalanche
021 Free Base 022 Que Hold 023 Continum
024 Sub Bass 025 Partysan 026 Synx
027 Vast 028 Fat Man 029 Stacc Perc
030 Voxanne 031 Inspire 032 Islands
033 Saturation 034 P`Bassyn 035 Triad X
036 Hyperlink 037 BlueMist 038 DeppOrch
039 Synphony 040 Suspense 041 D-Chime
042 Toxxy 043 Erik 044 Desperado
045 Mod Key 046 AnalogBass 047 Triad Z
048 Fat Syn 049 Funky Syn 050 Two Hands
051 Amp Percsn 052 Fusions 053 Amp PERC
054 Yellowman 055 Syn Organ 056 Syn & Bass
057 Resonation 058 Wrong Way 059 Triad N
060 Synphony2 061 Synphony3 062 Eternity
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy SynthLine vol.01 - Virus or download it from our website.
This product was released on 18 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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