Synapse Audio Dune 2.2.1

Synapse Audio Dune 2.2.1

Synapse Audio Dune 2.2.1 [PC / MAC Versions]

Synapse Audio Dune 2 Main View

New features in Dune 2.2:

  1. Support for custom skins
  2. Two new reverb programs added: Ambience and Gated Room
  3. New delay type added: Tape Delay
  4. Chorus gains low and high cut filters
  5. LFO Offset parameters added
  6. Plug-in keyboard range can be adjusted (default c2-c6)
  7. Two sync modes (host | internal) under Settings
  8. Arpeggiator and MSEGs now have position indicators while playing
  9. Performance improvements
  10. Factory bank size increased, now more than 440 patches

Fixes Mac/Win:

  • Plugin Modulation wheel no longer jumps to zero on a patch change
  • Detune/Spread knobs have not been updating during Mouse Wheel, fixed

Fixes Mac:

  • If the Music directory is an alias directory, the serial was not found, fixed
  • Preset selection via left/right arrows was broken, fixed
  • Editing patch comments did not always work, fixed
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Synapse Audio Dune 2.2.1 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 22 Jun 2015. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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