Sibelius 6
Sibelius 6
Even more new features
Power tools
- Shift-drag moves objects horizontally/vertically
- Alt+drag or Option-drag moves object without moving attachment position
- Ctrl+drag or Command-drag suspends Magnetic Layout while moving
- Tab advances to next bar when inputting chord symbols
- New Keypad button to stop note input or deselect (for smartboards)
- View handles – makes ends of lines etc. easier to select
- Use F13-F19 as shortcuts on new Macs
- Set duration of and silence after fermatas (pauses), individually or throughout
- Double-click fader in Mixer resets it to default position (new since v5.0)
- Shift or Ctrl/Command when opening instrument strip opens all similar/all other strips (new since v5.0)
- Omit muted staves when exporting MIDI file (option)
Look & feel
- Hide particular toolbar buttons
- Auto-hide toolbar buttons if insufficient room
- Tile multiple open scores (new on Mac)
- Move around Symbol and Edit Symbols dialogs with arrow keys, and see symbol names
- Smoother zoom with Ctrl+mouse wheel
- Command+mouse wheel zooms on Mac
- Better keyboard access for dialogs (e.g. Clefs, Symbols, Key Signature) on Mac
- Set paper & desk texture of versions
- Many other look & feel improvements
Engraving & notations
- Dynamics automatically above vocal staves
- Lines split between systems more controllable - e.g. two halves have independent vertical positions and slur/tie shape
- Line ends easier to select
- Chord symbols appear by default as diagrams on guitar notation staves, chord text on other staves
- Tie thickness adjustable
- Tuplets always above notes on vocal staves (option)
- Accidentals persist after mid-bar clef changes
- Width of empty bar varies with bar length (option)
- Automatic breve bar rests in 4/2
- Special staff spacing for multi-staff instruments (e.g. keyboards, divided winds)
- Move rehearsal marks & tempo text up/down without affecting ones on other staves in same place
- Better default positions of many text styles and lines
- Cross-staff beams improved
- Ossia staves improved
- Check Redundancies - hides/deletes unnecessary clef/key/time signature changes etc.
- Export Each Staff as Audio - for importing into a sequencer
- Convert Folder of Scores to Earlier Version
- Other plug-ins improved
Network licenses
- Easier network installation
- Client copies can connect from any IP address
- Largest network license now unlimited (previously 255 computers)
- Use same preferences for all users of a computer
Other improvements
- Many editing operations faster, particularly on large selected passages
- Reminds you to save a version when you close a score
- Improved manuscript papers for new scores
- Auto-select US or European paper sizes for new scores or imported files
- Imports octave lines in MusicXML files
- Various bugs fixed
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.
You may buy Sibelius 6 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 11 Jul 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.
Tags: Notation software, Sibelius
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