SAM Horns & Trombones
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Project SAM Horns & Trombones [GIG Format]
SAM Horns
SAM Orchestral Brass, the most respected symphonic brass samples on the market.
SAM Horns is the first release in our series of four orchestral brass libraries.
A wide variety of articulations and modern playing techniques and effects have been recorded. Powerful sustains, multiple marcato lengths, multiple staccatos, mutes, crescendos, glissandos and more. An extended effects set is also available including wild takes, clusters and suspenseful textures – awesome material for film, tv and video game composers. Overall, SAM Horns offers over 1.4 GB of sampled French Horns.
All samples have been recorded at two different microphone distances from the players: close and far. You can choose which mic set to use, each mic set having its own distinct sound.
SAM Trombones
SAM Orchestral Brass, the most respected symphonic brass samples on the market.
SAM Trombones is the second release in our series of four orchestral brass libraries.
A wide variety of articulations have been recorded. Powerful sustains, multiple marcato lengths, multiple staccatos, mutes, crescendos, glissandos and more. An extended effects set is also available including wild takes and suspenseful textures – awesome material for film, tv and video game composers. Overall, SAM Trombones offers over 2.5 GB of sampled trombone section.
All samples have been recorded at two different microphone distances from the players: close and far. You can choose which mic set to use, each mic set having its own distinct sound. A third mic set is also offered, a pre-mixed version of the close and far mic.
You may buy SAM Horns & Trombones or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.
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