EWQL Symphonic Orchestra GOLD Pro XP [5 DVD]
$157.50 $69.95
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East West / Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra GOLD Pro XP [5 DVDs Set] (EXPANSION)
There's only one way to describe it: The new EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA PLATINUM PRO EXPANSION package is, well, just breathtaking. This isn't a replacement for the originals (which still sound incredible), but rather a collection of additional instruments and articulations that complement and enhance the collection.
The instruments and articulations that were not included in the original Gold Edition from the original Platinum Edition are included in EWQLSO GOLD PRO XP. With these additions, when you are ready to move up to Platinum Pro XP your compositions will import perfectly.
The full version of the EASTWEST STEINWAY B GRAND PIANO is included in this release.
3 CellosSus Vib mp
Sus Vib f heavy vib
flautando nv
4 Violins
Sus Vib mp
Sus Vib f heavy vib
flautando nv
10 Cellos
Qlegato mp
Qlegato F
Marcato short FFF ugly x2
Spiccato up Down
Sordino mp med vib
Sordino mf heavy vib
Col Legno chromatic
Sul Ponticello tremolo
Bartok Pizz
Oct up to sus vib
10 Violas
Pizz P
Pizz MF
Pizz F
Qlegato MP
Qlegato MF
Sul Ponticello near bridge tremolo
Col Legno chromatic
Sordino MP med vib
Sordino MF heavy vib
1/2 step trill
Whole step trill
Tremolo F
Spiccato up down
Machine Gun x17 1 bar at 120 BPM
Flautando legato
Bartok Pizz
oct up to sus vib
11 Violins
Qlegato P
Qlegato F
Sordino MP med vib
Sordino MF heavy vib
Harmonics false
Staccato Up Down P x2
Marcato 2 sec heavy vib especially high up
Sul ponticello (near bridge) tremolo
Flautando legato
Tremolo f
Col Legno chromatic
Pendereki bridge and normal stac and long
Whole step trills VERY slow cluster FX
Static Clusters 3 low, med, high
Spiccato Up Down
Machine Gun Rep x17 1 bar at 120 BPM
Octave slide up fast to sus mf 2 sec bow
Octave slide down fast to sus mf 2 sec
5th slide up to 4 sec sus heavy vib F
5th slide down to 4 sec sus heavy vib F
Psycho FX 1- 2 1/2 steps up fast (3 notes)
Psycho FX 4- minor third half step up fast
Psycho FX 6- 3 1/2 steps down fast
fast 1 sec nv 1 full bow F
scratch fx
18 Violins
Qlegato mp
Qlegato f
spiccato up down x 2
octave up mf fast to 1 sec sus bow on string
octave down mf fast to 1 sec sus
Bartok Pizz
C D E F# G# Bb maj gliss up slow
maj gliss up fast
maj gliss down slow
maj gliss down fast
maj up down slow, fast
6 gliss up slow
6 gliss up fast
6 gliss down slow
6 gliss down fast
6 up down slow, fast
dominant 9 up slow
dominant 9 up fast
dominant 9 down slow
dominant 9 down fast
dominant 9 up down slow, fast
wholetone stuff C
wholetone stuff C#
Scary Effect in C
Solo Cello
Sul Tasto 2 bows
Qlegato F 3 bows
Pizzicato MP
Pizzicato MF
Col Legno chromatic
Octave Slides Up to sus 2 sec mp
Pizzicato F
Solo Contrabass
Sus Vib mp
Sus Vib f
Martele Short Up Down mp
Martele Short Up Down f
Martele short up down mf
Col Legno chromatic
Exp fast mf
Spiccato Up Down F
1 sec full bow stroke nv
Pizz mp
Pizz mf
Pizz F
Exp long subtle mp
Marcato FFF short
Solo Viola
Sus Vib mp 2 bows
Sus Vib f 2 bows
Qlegato mp 3 bows
Marcato FF short
Martele short Up Down x4 MF
Col Legno chromatic
Pizz mp
Pizz mf
Pizz f
Exp subtle soft long
Exp medium cresc 2 bows
Spiccato Up Down MP
Sus NV MF with fast atk
Exp fast cres romantic
1 sec full bow stroke up down nv
1/2 step trills
Whole step trills
Octave up to sus vib
Solo Violin
Qlegato MP 3 bows
Qlegato F 3 bows
Pizzicato P
Pizzicato MF
Pizzicato F
Spiccato Up Down
Marcato short FF nv
Subtle exp P leg light vib no swell
Octave slide up to 2 sec sus mp bow on string
Octave slide down to 2 sec sus mp
5th slide up to 2 sec heavy vib F
Col legnochromatic
1/2 step trills
whole step trills
120 bpm machine gun x17
Bass Clarinet
Sus NV mf to go in between last time
Portato 3 second mp
Qlegato mp
Qlegato mf
English Horn
2 dark and beautiful
Sus Vib mp smooth fast atk delay vib
Portato nv mp
Exp subtle mp atk
Qlegato mp
Qlegato mf
Exp mf lyrical miroslav
1/2 step trills
Whole step trills
Staccato mp
Staccato mf
Staccato F
grace notes
Concert Flute
very short staccato mp
very short staccato mf
very short staccato f
short staccato overblown
1/2 step trills
Whole step trills
Qlegato mp
Qlegato f
Psycho 2 1/2 steps down fast FF x2
sus nv p
Octave run up fast F
Octave Run down fast F
Octave run up and down fast F
Sforzando Exp
Piccolo Flute
NV p
Qlegato mf vib
Psycho 2 1/2 step down fast
Rips up 5th FFF squeak fast x2
Rips up 3rd FFF squeak fast x2
octave up fast
octave down fast
octave up down fast
Rips up 2 half steps
Solo Bassoon
mp vibrato with atk
Qlegato mf
1/2 step trills
Whole step trills
Solo Clarinet
Qlegato mp
Qlegato mf
Portato subtle 3 seconds mp
1/2 Step trills
Whole step trills
Exp very quick lyrical bump 2 sec sus
Octave up fast
Octave down fast
Octave up down fast
Octave up fast slur
grace notes
Solo Oboe
Qlegato mp
Qlegato f
soft exp with slight swell
key clacks
2 Bb Trumpets
Mute Sus mp
Mute Sus f
Mute Staccato mp x 4
Mute Staccato f x4
Mute Rips
Mute Cresc to flutter 3 sec
VERY short staccato mp x6
VERY short staccato mf x6
VERY short staccato ff x6
Machine Gun x17 1 bar at 120 BPM
Sus mp
Sus mf
Sus fff
Portato 3 sec mf subtle cresc decres
Cresc to ff 1 sec
Cresc to ff 2 sec
Marcato mf
Marcato f
Qlegato mp
Qlegato mf
1/2 step trills f
Whole step trills f
Octave Up to sus 3 sec
Octave Down to sus 3 sec
crazy fx
4 Bass Bones
Mute Sus mp
Mute Sus f
Mute staccato mp x2
Mute staccato mf x2
Mute cresc 2 sec to flutter
Portato 3 sec subtle cres decres mp
Portato 3 sec subtle cres decres f
Bend downs 1/2 step Mummy
stac fff x 3 very short
Marcato 1 sec FF
Marcato 1 sec MF
Clusters mp
4 Tenor Bones
Mute Sus mp
Mute Sus mf
Mute staccato mp x3
Mute staccato mf x3
Mute cresc 2 sec to flutter
Portato 3 sec subtle cres decres mp
Portato 3 sec subtle cres decres f
Marcato 1 sec FF
Marcato 1 sec MF
Bend downs 1/2 step Mummy
stac fff x 4 very short
Clusters mp long 3 1/2 step chromatic
6 French Horns
Marcato f 1 sec
Stac short mp x2
Stac short mf x2
Stac short f x2
Stac short ff x2
Crescendo P-FF 1 sec
Crescendo P-FF 2 sec
Crescendo P-FF flutter 3 sec
Portato NV 3 sec subtle cresc and decres mp
Portato NV 3 sec subtle cresc and decres f
1/2 Step trills mf
Whole Step lip trills ff
Machine Gun sus x17 1 bar at 120 BPM
Muted Sustain mf
Qlegato mp
Qlegato f typical med bright
Octave up to 3 sec sus MF
Octave down to 3 sec sus MF
clusters like the shining some stay on pitch others go down whole tone
cluster cresc like ewqlso 1
1/2 step bend downs like the village
Matrix Hell
Piccolo trumpet
Sus mp
Sus f
Stac mp x2
Stac f x2
1/2 step trills
Whole step trills
Marcato mf
Solo Bass Bone
Sus fff
Portato 3 sec mf
Portato 3 sec f
Marcato f 1 sec
Stac mp
Stac mf
Stac ff
Solo Bb Trumpet 2
Sus NV mp
Sus NV mf
Sus NV ff
Stac short mp x8
Stac short mf x8
Stac short ff x8
Crescendo NV P-FF 1 sec
Crescendo NV P-FF 2 sec
Crescendo NV P-FF flutter 3 sec
Portato NV 2 sec subtle cresc and decresc mp
Portato NV 2 sec decresc mf atk
Portato NV 2 sec decresc f atk
Sus SLOW VIB MP 2 sec delay decres vib fade
Qlegato mp NV
Qlegato mf NV
Qlegato mp slow immediate vib
Qlegato mf slow immediate vib
Sus NV marcato 1 sec (long stac) MF
Sus NV marcato 1 sec (long stac) FF
Octave Up sus
Octave Up gliss stac F
3 note fall chromatic
Solo Horn
Staccato short p
Staccato short mp
Staccato short mf
Qlegato mp
Qlegato mf-f
Staccato short FF
Solo Tenor Bone
Sus fff
Stac fff
Portato 3 sec mf
Marcato f 1 sec
Qlegato MP
Qlegato F
Mute sus mp
Mute sus f
Solo Tuba
Sus FF
Mute Sus F
Marcato 1 sec MF
Marcato 1 sec FF
Portato 3 sec MF
Stac FFFF short
Celeste 2 vel + rel
Marimba 3 vel
Sleigh bells 2 kinds
Wood Blocks 8 different blocks multi vel
2 different Triangle open mute trem
Larger Anvil
puilli sticks 2 types
Waterphone 50 variations
Rub Rods
Tambourine high pitch
Steel Plates
Mahler Hammer
small guiro
Wind machine
Artillery Shells
5 ft gong fx
37" Tam Tam fx
18" Zildjian Roll
26" Zildjian Roll
26" Zildjian Crash fx
Large Roto Toms
There's only one way to describe it: The new EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA PLATINUM PRO EXPANSION package is, well, just breathtaking. This isn't a replacement for the originals (which still sound incredible), but rather a collection of additional instruments and articulations that complement and enhance the collection.
The instruments and articulations that were not included in the original Gold Edition from the original Platinum Edition are included in EWQLSO GOLD PRO XP. With these additions, when you are ready to move up to Platinum Pro XP your compositions will import perfectly.
The full version of the EASTWEST STEINWAY B GRAND PIANO is included in this release.
3 Cellos
4 Violins
10 Cellos
10 Violas
11 Violins
18 Violins
Solo Cello
Solo Contrabass
Solo Viola
Solo Violin
Bass Clarinet
English Horn
Concert Flute
Piccolo Flute
Solo Bassoon
Solo Clarinet
Solo Oboe
2 Bb Trumpets
4 Bass Bones
4 Tenor Bones
6 French Horns
Piccolo trumpet
Solo Bass Bone
Solo Bb Trumpet 2
Solo Horn
Solo Tenor Bone
Solo Tuba
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.
You may buy EWQL Symphonic Orchestra GOLD Pro XP [5 DVD] or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.
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