VSL Horizon Series - Saxophones 1

VSL Horizon Series - Saxophones 1
VSL Horizon Series - Saxophones 1 [EXS Format]

The saxophone’s characteristic sound is subtle, noble, clear, expressive and versatile, ranging from sensitive to aggressive. This versatility is further enhanced by its great dynamic bandwidth.

The two saxophones on this volume were recorded with their solo as well as their orchestral properties in mind, so that they can be used universally: from orchestral to jazz productions, from Henry Mancini’s “Pink Panther” theme or Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story” to Bizet’s “Arlesienne Suite”. For the first time ever, the sampled saxophone sounds absolutely authentic thanks to Vienna's unique Performance Tool.


Tenor and soprano sax by Selmer, “Mark VI” series (a reissue of the famous vintage saxes of the Sixties). Mouthpieces by Lawton (tenor sax), Vandoren (soprano). Reeds by Vandoren.


Soprano: G#3–E6
Tenor: G#2–E5


• Staccatos (2 variations)
• Short and medium length portatos (2 variations)
• Sustains with normal and progressive vibrato
• Marcatos
• Sforzato, sforzatissimo, fortepiano
• Crescendos, diminuendos
• Espressivo
• Trills
• Flutter tonguing
• Performance legatos (normal intervals and with slides)
• Performance repetitions
• Chromatic and whole tone scale runs
• Bends up and down
• Tongue slaps

You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy VSL Horizon Series - Saxophones 1 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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