Steinberg BackBone v1.5

  • Product Type: VST Instruments
  • MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: PC Windows x64
  • Disks: 1 DVD
  • Format: VST, VST3
  • Required: DAW Software
Steinberg BackBone v1.5

Drum Re-synthesizer

A revolutionary way to design your own drums

Backbone is your new, innovative drum designer for single kicks, snares, hi-hats, percussion, rises, hits and more. Layer up to eight samples and shape them with classic subtractive synthesis, decompose samples into tonal and noise elements, re-synthesize samples to manipulate them in unheard ways and apply up to eight effects with two fully routable buses — all with a slick, extremely fast interface. Backbone takes your drums into a whole new era of sound design — the era of drum re-synthesis!


You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Steinberg BackBone v1.5 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 08 Jul 2022. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

Tag Icon Tags: Drum machine
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