Music Production School Power Effects Course

Music Production School Power Effects Course

Music Production School Power Effects Course [Tutorial]

The Power Effects Course is an extension of the Power Mixing Course and focuses specifically on effects processing techniques. This course is designed to teach you the inner workings of effects processing with detailed explanations and audio examples of each effect. Through this course you will learn how to quickly and efficiently achieve any effects sound you are looking for.

More than just a series of tutorials on effect plugins, you will learn in detail what each setting means and how it is used. The skills learned will allow you to quickly achieve the sound you are going for regardless of the plugin manufacturer or DAW you use. You will never feel lost when calling up an unfamiliar plugin in any DAW.

In addition to the detailed information on individual effects each class will also feature historic vintage effects processors including as many of the plugin emulations that are available in the market. My personal perspective on this is that the historical context of the vintage gear informs the modern day usage in the DAW. The effects processing techniques and methods of the past are super-critical to the success and effective application today.

The Power Effects Course Includes:

  • 10 Classes (2-3 hours for each class)
  • Each class offers hours of effects processing demonstrations.
  • 1 Year Access to all Class Videos
  • Every Class is Recorded
  • You do not need to attend the live classes to participate
  • Direct Email access to me for any course related questions

The Program

Each of the 10 Classes itemized below includes up to 3 hours of detailed information and audio demonstration. The lessons will be divided up into individual videos as listed below.

Class 1: Power Effects Primer

This class sets the foundational principles for effect processing and how to get started on the right foot. Understanding Effects signal-flow and where to apply it is critical to your success. Even more critical is selecting the perfect effect for the sound it is serving.

  • Defining Effects- (Wet Effects vs. Dry Effects)
  • Effects and the 3D Sound-Field
  • Effects Signal-Flow (Sends vs. Inserts)
  • Achieving Size and Depth With Effects
  • Making Effects Most Effective
  • Selecting and Managing Effects (Effects = Emotions)

Class 2: Delay Effects

Delays are the most simple of all the effects and the foundation for all time based effects processing. The manipulation of a simple delay can create a tremendous number of uniques sounds and effects. For this reason, it is the perfect place to begin.

  • Defining Delays and Echoes
  • Parameters of the Delay 
  • Short Delay Effects (Slaps and Doublers)
  • Medium and Long Delay Effects
  • Automating Delays
  • Tape Delays and Vintage Delay Processors

Class 3: Early Reflections: Defining the 3D Sound-Field

Some of the most powerful effects in a mix are the ones that are felt not heard. Early reflections provide the essential binaural cues that give us a clear sense of the space that we are in. When used effectively in a mix they create the sense of size, depth and intimacy that can provide the sense that the music is in the same space as the listener.

  • Defining Early Reflections
  • Creating the 3D Space
  • Tonal Shaping With Early Reflections
  • Adding Presence with Early Reflections
  • Adding Depth and Size with Early Reflections

Class 4: Reverb Part 1: A Reverb Primer

Almost all of the amazing pre DAW era mixes were done using the exact same processors for each audio track. “Outboard” processing was limited to the most important elements of the mix like the lead vocals. The simplicity of this approach creates a uniform sonic consistency with the instrumentation while featuring important elements of the mix.

  • Defining Reverb
  • The Parameters of Reverb (Size, Time, PreDelay, Diffusion, Damping, etc…)
  • Natural Reverb ((Rooms, Chambers, Clubs, Halls, Churches)
  • Mechanical Reverb (Plates and Springs)
  • Working With Impulse Response Reverbs
  • Working With Room Emulation reverbs
  • Vintage Reverb Units Part 1 (Plates, Springs and Acoustic)

Class 5: Reverb Part 2: The Practical Use of Reverb

Every type of reverb exhibits a unique character, tonal quality, shape and sound. Matching up these characteristics with the needs of the dry signal is a powerful way to get the sound you are going for quickly and effectively. This class focuses on the unique signature sounds of different reverb spaces and where they are used most effectively in a mix.

  • Live Performance Approach to Reverb
  • Tight (Dry) Reverb Approach
  • Medium to Long Reverb Approach 
  • Mixing Multiple Reverbs
  • Vintage Reverb Units Part 2 (Digital Reverb Units)

Class 6: Modulation Effects Part 1: Classic Modulation Effects

Ever since the first person pressed their thumb on the flange of a moving reel of tape, modulation effects became a staple of music production. Modulation can be applied to the direct or delayed signal and can control pitch (frequency modulation), volume (amplitude modulation), position (pan modulation). The shape of that modulation can range from square wave to sine wave or be modulated by any audio signal. When combined with the direct signal a wide variety of tonal character and stereo enhancement effects can be created.

  • Modulation Effect Parameters
  • Mixing with Phase Effects
  • Mixing with Flange Effects
  • Mixing with Chorus Effects
  • Mixing with Vibrato Effects
  • Mixing with Tremolo Effects
  • Mixing With Panning Effects
  • Pitch Modulation Effects (The Pitch Dive)
  • Creating Vintage Tape Flange and Doubling Effects

Class 7: Modulation Effects Part 2: Filter Modulation

EDM has brought to the forefront of modern music a powerful combination of the modulation capabilities of synthesizers and resonant EQ filter shapes too difficult to create in the analog realm. This amazing combination has lead to the broad sweeping transitions and sonic soundscapes that define EDM and the modern era of music. This class is dedicated to EDM specific modulation processing. I will also touch on some of the Vintage predecessors to these sounds.

  • Understanding Synth Modulation and Resonant Filters
  • Mixing with Frequency Filter Sweeps
  • Mixing with Filtered Amplitude Modulation
  • Mixing with Filtered Frequency Modulation
  • Mixing with Stepped Sequencer Driven Filters
  • Mixing with Side-Chain Modulated Filters 
  • Vintage Modulation Effects

Class 8: Distortion Effects

Distortion is an inherent part of every audio processing device both analog and digital. Distortion characteristics range from subtle forms of harmonic distortion to head ripping overdriven noise. The source of the distortion plays a huge part in the tonal characteristic created. Understanding the different types of distortion sources will allow you to reshape dead lifeless sounds with ease.

  • Defining Distortion
  • ReAmping Part 1: Amplifier Basics
  • ReAmping Part 2: Speaker & Mic Distortion
  • Mixing with Pedal Distortion Effects
  • Mixing with Tube Distortion
  • Mixing with Tape Distortion
  • Filtered Distortion Effects
  • Vintage Distortion Processors

Class 9: Pitch and Frequency Effects

This class features Pitch Processing Effects starting with the Vocoder and TalkBox effects and extending through to Aural Exciters, Octavers, Pitch Correction and AutoTune effects as well as Sub-Harmonic Synthesis. This class covers some of the most controversial and unusual effects that stretched the boundaries of what was possible.

  • Mixing Vocoder and Talk Box Effects
  • Mixing with Aural Exciters
  • Mixing with Octavers
  • Mixing with Pitch Correction Effects
  • Mixing with AutoTune Effects
  • Mixing with Sub-Harmonic Synthesis Effects

Class 10: Combining Effects in a Mix

Lost in the details of how each effects processing technique work individually is how they are all combined together. All forms of effects processing can be used separately or in combinations to help create and shape unique textures for individual sounds. Additionally, you must consider how all of these effects will blend together in the overall mix. This class is dedicated to the interaction of effects and how to balance and blend them into the final master.

  • Classic Effect Combinations
  • Compressing and Equalizing Effects
  • Balancing Foundational Effects (Mix Shaping)
  • Temporary Effects (Transitions and Filling Spaces)
  • Fixing Edit and Arrangement Problems with Effects 
  • Effects Balancing Tips and Tricks
  • Final Thoughts and Advice

Bonus Class: Creating 3D Effects

Mono compatibility be damned, this bonus class is specifically designed to feature new emerging technologies for 3D monitoring and effects processing. In this class I will feature some old 3D effect tricks as well as some new ones you will want to know about. If you are interested in the emerging effects technologies for audio, video and gaming, this class is one you will not want to miss.

  • Old School 3D Sound Effects
  • Surround and 3D Monitoring for Headphones
  • Creating 3D Panning Effects
  • Creating 3D Delay and Reverb Effects
  • 3D Emerging Technologies 
  • Effects Processing and the Future
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Music Production School Power Effects Course or download it from our website.
This product was released on 27 Jul 2015. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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