EVE Soundset vol.3 - Evalon

EVE Soundset vol.3 - Evalon

HQS Vol.3 is a Preset/Sample Library for Dashsignature EVE VSTi, a 300+ MB sound set of vintage keyboards and instruments multisamples and one-shots together with 200+ Presets. Evalon is produced by Back In Time Records in association with Dashsignature.

The joint development of the Presets and samples has been especially produced and compiled for use in EVE, the leading vintage keyboards synthesizer VST. This new sound set encompasses analog string ensembles and synthesizer samples designed and produced with legendary instruments like Jupiter 6, OB8, Lambda ES-50, Matrix 12, 700S, CS80, Memorymoog, Microwave, PE2000, SCI VS, String Melody II, SS30, Solina and many more.

The samples used for the sound sets include analog Pads, Layers, String and Brass Ensembles, Pianos and Synth Leads.

Ensemble Ensemble + PolySynth
700 Bright Chorus
700 MOD2
800DV Male Chorus
AiryVox 2
CMI Atmo
CMI Low Bang
CMI Male Vocal
CMI Nature
CMI Vocals
CMI Atmo 1
CMI Atmo 2
CS80 ModPad
D50 Heaven
D50 NyloAtmo
D50 Stacc
Delta String 16/8
Delta Strings 16
DigiNoise 1
ES50 Chorus
EX8 Poly
Hybrid Synth
JP6 Brass
JP6 Strings
Lambda ES50 Brass
Lambda ES50 Strings
M12 Brazz
MemoryMoog Brite
MemoryMoog Chord
Memorymoog Poly
Microwave Vox
MS20 Hollowmix
NED Layer 1
OB Angel
OB Male Choir
OB PadWv
OB SkyVoice
OB Strings
P6 Brass
P6 Strings
P6 SuperPoly
P800 Strings
PE1000 Pad
PE2 Brass
PE2 Chorus
Performer Brass
PolyMoog PS1
PolyMoog Strings
ProphetVS Vocal1
ProphetVS Vocal2
Real Strings
RS505 Strings 2
Solina C
SS30 Strings
String Melody Strings
Symphony Brass
Symphony Choir
Symphony Orch
Trident 3 Section
Trident Strings 2
Trident Strings
VP330 Choir 1
VP330 Strings 1
WS DebussyStrings
WS TimeTraveller
WS Vocalizer Kit
WS VoxConcrete
X Whisper

Piano + Organ
Clavinet Preset A+B
Cruise EP
DS8 Clav
DW8 Clav
Lambda ES50 EP5
P3 Octave Piano
P800 Analog EP
P800 Organ 1999
P800 Synth Organ
PE1000 EP
SG1 Piano
SK30 Organ
String Melody Organ

Synth Wave
700 Para 2
700 Temple Bells
770 RingModulator 1
770 RingModulator 4
800DV Bass
ARP 2600 Decay
Band Pass Wave
EX8000 Smack Bass
KP30 Sample Hold
Lead Hybrid
MS20 PWM Synth
MS20 SawWave
P800 BaliBells
PS3200 PWM
WS GigBass


You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy EVE Soundset vol.3 - Evalon or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

Tag Icon Tags: Synth strings, Synth pads
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