Bob Clearmountain Drums CD 2

  • Product Type: AKAI format
  • MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X32 PowerPC, MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64, PC Windows x86
Bob Clearmountain Drums CD 2

Bob Clearmountain is the recipient of 6 engineer of the year awards!! this is the most famous drum sampling cd ever, and has become a standard work tool for professionals worldwide. 900 natural drum samples for your studio, recorded in the best studios in the world. reviews: " a collection of beautifully sampled drum sounds" (mix) " a treasure house of great drums" (keyboard) "recording standard is immaculate, it simply couldn't be bettered with any of today's technology" (mt).

You may buy Bob Clearmountain Drums CD 2 or download it from our website.
This product was released on 20 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

Tag Icon Tags: Acoustic drums
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