Auddict Master Solo Woodwinds Bundle
46.2GB• 46.2GB of astounding quality content
- Over 70,000+ WAV files/samples in this instrument alone!
- Multiple legato modes at varying dynamics
- Staccatos and shorter Staccatissimos to craft realistic short note passages
- Intuitive trills function allowing easy playing of any trills/tremolos up to a perfect 5th in width! (seven chromatic notes - C to G for example)
- Ability to control level of mechanical noises of the woodwind instruments, which also follows your performance
- Flutter tonguing, Triple tonguing and much more...
The Ultimate Woodwind Sample Library, with Legato That Can Fool Even a Trained Ear
46.2GB of Astounding Quality Content - Multiple Legato Layers at Multiple Dynamics, Play any Trill up to Seven Notes Apart and Even Control the Level of True Mechanical Noise Heard from the Instruments.
After much recording, production, tireless testing, re-testing and finally refining the end result, we are very happy to bring you the complete Master Solo Woodwinds bundle, which contains meticulously sampled solo flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet and bassoon sampled Kontakt instruments (will work in Kontakt 4 and all higher versions - but not the free Kontakt "player").
These instruments will take anything you throw at them - with a legato mode that can adapt to slow and extremely fast playing in a single phrase with no extra effort/keyswitching on your part, simply open and play!
- Legato with recorded vibrato
- Legato without vibrato
- Polyphonic/Chord playing with vibrato
- Polyphonic/Chord playing without vibrato
- Trills/Tremolos
- Flutter Tongue
- Triple Tongue
- Staccato
- Staccatissimo
- Key Noises (able to play in isolation if needed as well)
You may buy Auddict Master Solo Woodwinds Bundle or download it from our website.
This product was released on 27 Dec 2018. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.
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