Attack Synth: Memory Moog

Attack Synth: Memory Moog
Looking at the Voice List chart for this sample library, you will see 32 Gig files with 101 Presets + the FX Bank of 42 sounds. Total size is 33 Gig files and 1.08 GIGABYTES of actual sounds. While this is a really large size for a sample library, it does not even begin to cover all the possibilities of Memory Moog sounds. This library is intended to be a useful, high fidelity set of true Moog sounds rather than claiming to be the complete instrument. By creating multiple Preset variations within each Gig file, we have tried to increase the usefulness of the sounds included. We encourage you to experiment further with the Gig file parameters and see what variations you can create. Half the fun of synth sounds is their adaptibility in parameter editing.
You may also find more information about this product on manufacturer's website.

You may buy Attack Synth: Memory Moog or download it from our website.
This product was released on 21 May 2009. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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