8Dio Deep Quintet Strings

  • Product Type: Kontakt format
  • MAC OSX Compatible PC Windows Compatible
  • Platform: MAC OSX X64 Intel, PC Windows x64
  • Disks: 4 DVD
  • Format: Kontakt
  • Required: KONTAKT 7.10
8Dio Deep Quintet Strings

A New Era of Legato

Deep Quintet Strings is the world's first string library with 9-way Round Robin legato, capturing the realism and beauty of these concert instruments at an unprecedented level. Repetition is such a key component of musical phrasing, but playing repeated notes here doesn't mean you'll be hearing the same sample over and over again.  Each Quintet note is fresh and organic, with no trace of the robotic "machine gun effect."

Featuring two Violins, one Viola and two Cellos, Deep Quintet Strings allows you to solo, mute or pan between each of the instruments whenever and however you like. You can even move between close and distant mic positions, which gives you complete flexibility to shape this String Quintet and its studio environment.

We stand for only the best in musicianship, and Quintet Strings has all the intricacy and expertise you would expect from us, putting fully dynamic and moving performances at your command. Recorded in a controlled studio environment, Deep Quintet Strings was produced with incredible attention to detail and without compromise.

From nimble notes and nervous vibratos, to long sweetly evolving arcs, we've provided natural and nuanced articulations to convey a wide emotional spectrum.  Over the years, we've developed techniques to capture the passion of a full performance in every note, and you can feel it here under your fingertips.  Get lost in the intensity of Deep Quintet Strings today.


9-way Round Robin legato means you'll never hear an artificial note repetition, and with the precision of our world-class mics you can almost feel the rosin on the bows.  We never edit the humanity out of our samples and believe that it's the little imperfections of a performance that create musical perfection.


Deep Quintet Strings offers the ability to customize the ensemble according to your needs. The twin violins, solo viola, and twin cellos can be enabled and mixed freely. With individual options for each section, you can adjust balance, panning, distance, and more.

Chaos Engine

Don't forget our powerful Chaos 3.0 FX system, which brings a variety of new FX types to Deep Quintet Strings, including EQ, filter, dual stereo delay, custom convolution reverbs, special effect reverbs, and much more!


All articulations are available on all instruments.


  • Sustains
  • Sustain Poco Vibrato
  • Sustain Molto Vibrato
  • Sustain Variable
  • Sustain Natural
  • Legato


  • Glance Poco Vibrato
  • Glance Molto Vibrato
  • Short Senza Vibrato
  • Short Poco Vibrato
  • Short Molto Vibrato
  • Long Poco Vibrato
  • Long Molto Vibrato
  • Trailing Vibrato
  • Accented Finale



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You may buy 8Dio Deep Quintet Strings or download it from our website.
This product was released on 16 May 2024. Please check compatibility with your hardware and O/S.

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